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An educational journey for kids aged 9-12
By Janet Venditti 
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Project Overview
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Introduction to My passion project
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My Final Product 
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Tap the cover to see the final novel!

My Final Product
Choosing My project & the impact
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My Proceess

Steps & a guide towards success 

Once my basic idea and direction for my project were established, I had to then choose an advisor to work with me throughout my project, from the first stages all the way down to my final day of presentation. Luckily I was able to find someone kind enough to work throughout the entire process with me who was Dr. Mitchler, and after a formal proposal outlining the goals of my project was sent and accepted, I began working with her through meetings to check out my progress within research and product development through many months. ​

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Tap to see my success criteria here:


My first advisor meeting involved taking many notes and bouncing off ideas for where the project will end up, and after establishing a book demographic and places for proper research I was off to my next meeting after some preparation. After the first few meetings, I created criteria for the project which helped keep me on track and meeting goals throughout the duration of my project.


The research was by far the most time-consuming area of the project, it involved lots of fact-checking, searching for real stories of people in careers, and just condensing tons of information in readable and understandable sections that made for an exciting read rather than an ongoing bore!


Once the stages of research were finalized, I had my advisor read over my research and write-ups on each of the careers, then I began to add some extra parts to my book, like more about requirements in education and connections to already existing knowledge, to help show a smooth transition for readers.​


This lead me to my final project steps, which involved tying up loose ends within my writing and putting it all into a book, and then creating a flashy cover. I had a great deal of fun drawing out the cover art myself and couldn't be happier with my final result!

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Meeting timeline 


Throughout the whole course of my project, advisory meetings were an essential part of getting everything done in a neat and timely fashion. Below I have added some specific notes from monthly meetings to just show my project's progression in an easier way. There was lots of independent research and work that went into my project, so having set meeting times to look over my research and receive guidance was very helpful, and I thank my advisor especially for helping check over my work throughout the way. 


Just after solidifying my topic, I decided to look into finding good websites to cite my information from and get personal stories from as well. I had also established a very basic idea of my final product and what my book could look like. Comments from my advisor included focusing on order of research, deciding the book age group and we discussed her role; ultimately being fact checking my information. 

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Still in the planning stages, I had begun making more structured goals to follow and created a timeline of tasks to complete until the end of the project. My advisor also introduced the idea of writing required education into parts of the book, which I thought was a good way to go beyond just discussing job possibilities. Then I found sources to get required education from, and then began to focus on the Canadian space agency specifically for information on Canadian requirements to get into the fields. 

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This month I had begun reflecting on the progress I had made within my book and research. I had also begun adjusting the length of my career deep dives and had started thinking of other information to add into the book. I had reflected on how far I was, what was left and made sure I was in the place on my criteria where I should have been at the time. One highlight of this point was hearing about different real life stories of people in these fields, I added some specific stories because not only did they involve very interesting paths to achieve the careers, but they also made for a very engaging and relatable part of the book. 


This was nearing the end of my project, and just tying up loose ends within the website and my book was this meeting's focus. Once again, I had been checking to make sure all of my criteria had been met and was focusing on re-reading, editing and finalizing my presentation. This month was really about getting everything completed just to be edited and re-read.  

Book Plans
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Book Design 

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starting requirements 

Inspiration for cover art

final covers

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